Thursday, October 14, 2010

MCPA Events

Register today for the Maryland College Personnel Association (MCPA) Fall Conference and ACPA East Coast Graduate Fair and Undergraduate Experience. The conference is Friday, November 5th from 8:30-5p. at Loyola University – Timonium.

We are excited to announce our keynote speaker; Congressman Elijah Cummings, Maryland’s 7th District Representative.

We are proudly partnering with the American College Personnel Association to showcase the East Coast Graduate Fair and undergraduate experience featuring keynote speaker Marcia Guenzler-Stevens. Our undergraduate experience features a case study competition with some amazing prizes as well as a focused, intentional undergraduate program track including a graduate student panel. If you are interested in representing your graduate program at our Graduate Fair, please contact Joshua Hiscock at

Our annual MCPA Recognition Awards will be presented at the conference. Nominate your deserving colleagues and/or students today!

If you are ever looking for a chance to submit articles and professional writing, consider our Little Linkages newsletter. Contact Eddie Wright at for more information.

MCPA strives to make membership affordable and offer quality professional development opportunities to higher education professionals in Maryland. We are happy to offer a conference fee that is affordable while offering amazing benefits. Member rate for the conference is $40 or $60 with the purchase of membership! The Graduate Student rate is $25 and the undergraduate rate is $15.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sondra Matter

Sondra Matter
Resident Director
Stevenson University
Boston University
Penn State

Loyola University Maryland

Currently a Doctoral Candidate
at Loyola University Maryland

Most Passionate about:
Social Justice,Women's Issues, & Service Learning (creating
awareness, advocacy, and activism with students)

Biggest Influence(s) have been Michael Puma

Exciting this Summer: Took a flying-trapeze acrobatics class,
but it paled in
comparison to spending last summer in
South America doing service and backpacking :)

Outside of Work: Love to learn new dances (i.e. salsa, swing, hip hop, etc.)
& I am
always up for trying something new and looking forward
to the next adventure, risk,

Monday, October 4, 2010

Erika Brightful

Erika Brightful
Area Director
Salisbury University

Where you went to school:
St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Class ’07
Salisbury University, class ‘09

What are you most passionate about in the field: I’m most passionate about social justice issues and student development

Who has been your biggest influence in your career: Joanne Goldwater has been the biggest influence in my career

Something exciting from this summer: I recently became an Aunt this summer

Something fun that you do outside of your job or something we should know about you:I love to go sailing and traveling; I’m currently planning on a trip to the west coast to enjoy sailing on the pacific!

Anthony "Tito" Sierra

Anthony "Tito" Sierra
Resident Director for Manokin Hall
Salisbury University

Undergrad @ Lincoln University of PA '09; Masters @ Salisbury University (in progress) '11

Passion: I am most passionate about creating a safe and engaged community that empowers not only my residents but also my staff to advance to their highest potential.

Influence: I would have to credit Ms. Genyne Royal and Mr. John Lowney as my positive influences and mentors.

Summer: This summer I accepted an ACUHO-I Internship with Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana. This experience was enriching both mentally and professionally. I developed the training modules for 4 different positions in their HRL department and at night enjoyed the "NOLA EXPERIENCE".

Outside: Outside of work I enjoy riding motorcycles. I have been riding for 5 years and have enjoyed every moment. I just sold my last street bike and plan on buying another one shortly.

Sheree Stachell

Sheree Satchell
Resident Director
Salisbury University

Where you went to school :
Salisbury University: Undergrad & Masters

What are you most passionate about in the field?
The ability to serve as a catalyst of intellectual, social, physical, spiritual and emotional growth to students (and RA’s). To be able to covertly incorporate teachable moments into everyday conversation, all the while witnessing them transform right before your eyes. Definitely the steam in my engine!

Who has been your biggest influence in your career
Although I have had some pretty awesome supervisors, I would have to say that the students themselves have been my biggest influence, along with my RA staff. They have the ability to ignite within me the embers of motivation when the profession/life in itself wears you down a bit.

Something exciting you did this summer
Exciting…well let’s see….oh yes, I only GOT MARRIED!!!! Yes indeed, I was joined together in Holy matrimony on July 10th, to a pretty stupendous man. Hip hip horayyyy!!!

Something fun that you do outside of your job or something we should know about you: I love Jesus, simply relaxing, singing, watching a good movie, and laughing (doing them all at the same time is AWESOME)!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Greg Moreau

Gregory W. Moreau
Residence Life Coordinator
Towson University
Muhlenberg College
University of South Carolina

Most passionate: Helping students realize that adulthood starts now and the decisions in life are theirs to make.

Biggest influence: My colleagues over the years.

Exciting: 4 DAY WEEKENDS! EVERY WEEK! That's what happens when you do not take vacation for 3 years.

Outside: Wait... outside the job... huh?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bob Mikus

Bob Mikus
Dean of Students
Stevenson University
B.A., Lebanon Valley College
M.A., LaSalle University
Doctoral candidate, IUP
Most passionate: I am passionate about working with young professionals, helping them grow and develop into more mature, knowledgable and confident student affairs professionals.
Biggest influences: I've generally had one significant mentor at every stop along my path in student affairs. Dave Calvario & Dave Evans (LVC), Alan Wendell (LaSalle), Roland Watts (William Paterson), and Jim Hilton (Elizabethtown).
Something exciting this summer: A week of rest and relaxation in Rehoboth Beach with my wife and two sons.
Something fun outside your job: I love watching my boys play soccer, basketball and swimming. And I really enjoy college football (I would sit in front of the TV every Saturday from morning to midnight if I could!).

Friday, October 1, 2010

Brittany Duncan

Brittany Duncan
Resident Director
Frostburg State University

Current Institution: Indiana University of PA (graduate classes), Frostburg State University (working in ResLife)

Where you went to school:
Undergrad: Shippensburg University of PA '09
Masters: Indiana University of PA (in progress), '11

What are you most passionate about in the field: Working with students in varying circumstances and seeing them develop as individuals, students, and leaders as they learn more about their institution and work with their peers and staff. I am able to see this working in Residence Life, and I am also very passionate about student involvement and service. The functional areas I am most passionate about and would like to work in are Leadership and Civic Engagement, Residence Life, Student Activites, or Conferences and Events Management.

Who has been your biggest influence in your career: My supervisor at Shippensburg University influenced my decision to attend graduate school and pursue a career in student affairs. My fellow RA's and supervisors at SHIP were a wonderful, hard working group of people that made me want to continue working with students and stay in the college environment.

Something exciting you did this summer: Visited Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh, PA, worked in Conferences and Events Management at Susquehanna University

Something fun that you do outside of your job or something we should know about you: I am a huge hockey fan and love the Pittsburgh Penguins. I also love Rutt's Hut's hot dogs. I think I would travel to NJ just to have a few.